Old Moutain Bikes

Ritchey Serial Numbers

Serial number can be helpful in identifying information about a frame. The serial number can include the production year, frame size, and model. Unfortunately, the serial numbers for Ritchey frames does not appear to have been well documented. By collecting the information that we do know, we can begin to fill in some of the blanks.

Many different serial number schemes have been used over the years, depending on the year and model. The following information presents an overview on how to interpret serial number information, and the bike listing page cane be used to further identify frames.

Serial numbers tend to fall into two convention. One for US-made frames and one for imported frames.

Example serial number for US-made frame
Example Serial NumberFrame Size
Year of Frame
Frame ModelBuild Order

Example serial number for imported frame
Example Serial NumberFrame ModelYear/Month of ManufactureBuild Order

Both of the above schemes vary somewhat between models and years. The imported scheme is a bit confusing as several models (Aspen, Ascent, Ascent Comp) started with "A." For these the catalog description is a better method to distinguish models - use the frame's color as a guide, although the color is not always accurate. Additionally some models (particularly older frames) fit neither scheme. Later frames (late '90s) tend to have a better model designation: SC = Swiss Cross, NT = NiTi, RL = Road Logic, etc.

Below is a guide to (mostly) US-made frames showing information about each model.

Frame Type Year (approx.) Model Frame Notes First Digit(s) Represents
A 1983 Everest continuation of the Everest which had previously been had an "R" serial number; sculpted seat tube reinforcement (also used on later Team Comp model) two digit frame size (Example: 23A5)
1984 - 89 Annapurna "faux lugs" at the head tube and seat tube; more relaxed angles than other models offered at time one digit frame size (Example: 2A23)
1986 - 90 Ascent Comp tig-welded frame unsure what the first digit means (Example: 3A946)
B 1982 McKinley, Tam, Sierra MountainBikes II frame-set (head tube is not machined); parts/fork determine model one digit year (Example: 2B102)
1983 Mount Tam MountainBikes II frame-set (head tube is not machined); squared-off seat tube reinforcement two digit year (Example: 23B28)
1984 - 89 Timber Comp roller-cam brakes beneath the chain-stays; 1988 and 1989 frames had cantilever rear brakes one digit frame size (Example: 1B227)
1984 - 87 Timber Wolf rear cantilever brakes
C 1983 Competition "faux lugs" at the head tube and seat tube; build with Columbus tubing to save weight two digit frame size (Example: 21C11)
1984 - 86 Team Comp sculpted seat tube reinforcement; built with Columbus tubing one digit frame size (Example: 1C85)
1986 - 89 Super Comp sculpted seat tube reinforcement; built with Tange Prestige tubing
E 1990 - 93 Everest replacement for the Annapurna model but with a much less detailed frame; more relaxed angles than other models offered at time one digit frame size (Example: 8E10)
P 1990 - 99 P-23, P-22, P-21, P-20, Comp tig welded frame are imported; fillet brazed frames are US made and received a "Team" designation various combinations of serial numbers exist; most have"P" in them but some are four digit numbers
R 1981 MountainBike the original model; no model name year of frame (Example: 1R0087)
1982 Everest MountainBikes I frame designation (the head tube is machined on the front face) year of frame (Example: 2R149)
1982 McKinley, Tam, Sierra MountainBikes II frame designation (the head tube is NOT machined on the front face); parts/fork determine model
T all Tandem (Skyliner)   no first digit
U 1987 - 89 Ultra first tig welded frame; only US-made frame follow this scheme inconsistent

View the bike listing for a complete list of serial numbers of bikes. And use the catalogs section to research your bike.

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