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Why create an account?

Registering with the site allows for three things:

Otherwise, the remainder of the information on the site is open to anyone without logging in.

If you have a bike(s) listed on the site that were part of the old web site, please contact me and identify these bikes and I will associate them to your account. All bikes submitted going forward will automatically be associated with your account, but I don't have a good way of associating old information to user IDs. The contact info is at the bottom of every page - send me either serial numbers, or the email address that the bikes are registered under.

Create an account:

Email Address:

First Name:
Last Name:

Retype Password:

Do you wish to remain anonymous?* yes No

*Privacy Note: Old Mountain Bikes will not distribute your contact information. The privacy question refers to allowing other registered users to see your contact information. Along with each bike, the name of the owner is published. If you do not wish for other registered users to see who owns your bikes, select privacy equals "yes."